What is a Hybrid TPA?

What is a Hybrid TPA?

By In Blog On September 17, 2018

We use the term Hybrid TPA to refer to TPA’s that offer more services than just drug and alcohol testing (D&A testing).  The most common types of Hybrid TPAs offer both D&A and Background Checks.  Many TPA’s have added training, physical examinations, OSHA Testing (for example blood lead testing), even TB testing and Health Risk Assessments to their mix to capitalize on the relationships they have with their corporate accounts.  In the M&A arena we routinely see firms looking to acquire a company that adds to their service mix.  Buyers look for solid operations systems and MIS platforms that are easily used by their client mix.  This kind of a buy not only adds the revenue from the sellers business but lets the Buyer expand services to their client’s  creating a great return on investment in the acquisition.

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